Monday, January 24, 2011

A Pearl of Extraordinary Worth

She was three,  maybe four. We were driving in my car, running errands, she and I. You get the picture: she in the backseat intent on the item  she had reluctantly been allowed to bring along, or more likely, doing a running monologue; I, intent on accomplishing my "list", not keen on distractions and definitely not "savoring the moment". Then she happened to spot an American flag and announced she could say the "Pledge of Legiance" (her term).As she finished I probably effused with praise, at least I hope I did. Then she quickly asked if I would like to hear "the cute little song that goes with it".
To my surprise she launched, ploddingly, but confidently, into "My Country 'Tis of Thee"... her version of "My Country 'Tis of Thee", and as I was just thinking that that was not  the song I anticipated, I heard :

" My country 'tis of thee,
sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing.
 Land of the pilgrims pride,
 land where my father's fried...."  

That, no doubt made perfect sense to a little girl who knew nothing but the blistering heat of Texas summers! But more importantly, I had just experienced one of those remarkable moments that takes you completely by delightful surprise and you know  will be remembered, re-told often, and never be forgotten.  Like finding a pearl in an oyster. Like finding a diamond in a Cracker Jacks box.

From the mouths of babes spring the most amazing comments (and let's admit it, one's own babies are always the most amazing), reflective of their fresh and unique take on their very self-focused world. Then all too soon the rest of the world moves in to correct these delightful mis-speaks,"straightening their corners" and "sanding their rough spots" (and I am somewhat chagrined to admit I am good at both).  I hope I refrained from doing it that day, but I probably didn't.  Regardless, "the cute little song" that goes with the "Pledge of Legiance" with always be one of the best songs ever; it never fails to transport me back to an ordinary day that produced a precious and completely unexpected memory for me of that beloved little girl who was three, maybe four. A pearl of extraordinary worth.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh she's cute. And apparently perceptive, logical, and well spoken ;)
